Hayley McLennan Consulting

Are you living a fulfilled life?

My 1:1 coaching packages guide you to to discover what it is you were born to do with your life, understand what makes you happy to live a fulfilled life and support you to move into empowered action so you can find your dream career and purpose in life – and make it your reality.

As a first step – take the FREE Quiz to find out – Are you living a fulfilled life?

Is this you?

∇ Do you feel tired and stuck working in your 9-5, you’re on a hamster wheel or stuck in the rat race and can’t see your way out
∇ Do you have that little inner voice niggling at you that it’s time for a change, but every time you think about switching things up it all seems too hard?
∇ Have you worked in the corporate world for so long, and wonder what else can I do with my life and career?
∇ Have your relationships suffered because work and climbing the corporate ladder has taken priority?
∇ Do you want to work in something more meaningful that you are passionate about?
∇ Do you feel you can give more and work in something with a sense of purpose in what you do?

Lovely, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way.

Now is your chance to take your life and career into your own hands, with the help of me as your coach, guiding and supporting you to make amazing life changes that you have so longed for. 

It’s time.

It’s time to listen to that niggling inner voice that is calling for you to take that step towards creating a career and life connected to your heart and soul purpose.

The truth is, you wouldn’t have those niggles if you weren’t meant for something more. 

Jumping out of bed each morning feeling energised and connected to yourself and your work is possible for you.

A deeply fulfilling career and life that lights you up is what you’re meant for.

 ♥ And I’m here to help you make it your reality/make it happen.

Well done, if you are reading this far, I feel you and hear you that you are now longing for the changes you so deserve in your career and life. 

So how does 1:1 Coaching work with me?

The first step is to book in your free initial consultation here

Before we catch up, you’ll complete a questionnaire which helps me get an understanding of how I can support you in a coaching series. This is an opportunity for you to tell me openly and honestly about what you would most like to achieve from a coaching series – there’s no *right* or *wrong* way to answer the questions, and nothing needs to be left off the table of what your heart and soul truly desires. Even this process can be a powerful kick-start for clarity and momentum towards the career and life you dream of.

When we meet for  our initial consultation, we’ll chat through the questionnaire and see how we could work together. This is also an opportunity for me to answer any questions you might have about how coaching works and what our time together looks like.  Once we’ve had the initial consultation and you feel I am the right coach for you, we will embark on a change journey working together for three months, meeting fortnightly, via video call or phone, where I provide you with high-level coaching support, guidance and accountability every step of the way.

We have regular touch points along the way through email support and Voxer with super fun tips, tools and activities to support you on your growth journey.

You will achieve all you want and more from life coaching with me if you are….

⇒ Ready for change

⇒ Wanting to find your dream career

⇒ Want to Elevate your life

⇒ Ready to take action

⇒ Open and honest with yourself

⇒ Ready to dig deep

⇒ Committed to prioritising your health and wellbeing

⇒ Like being held accountable 

⇒Feeling lost, stuck and need support

If you see yourself in the following points then I am likely not the best coach for you….

× Happy with the 9-5

× Enjoy taking the easy options

× Struggle to commit to something

× Don’t like being held accountable

× Not ready to make some serious life changes

× If you want someone to tell you all the answers

× Are not committed to taking action

× Prefer the comfort zone of where you are at right now

What’s it going to be?

Are you ready to change your life?

I hear your inner voice now saying, this is all sounding so true to me and I need this, I’m ready….BUT….there is always a but and more questions you have. I know, I’ve been there it’s hard to put yourself first and make these decisions that are best for you.

Questions and emotions that may come up for you when you read this….

I have a fear of making changes? We all wrestle with the “F” word from time to time in life! Let’s bust through your fear together, knowing I will be with you the whole way

I struggle to commit to take action? Even if you’ve never made changes in your life, doesn’t mean you won’t this time. While this series does take commitment and action from you; please know that I am with you to safely hold you accountable, give you a gentle push and all the love and encouragement for you to say; I’ve got this!

How do I fit this in my busy schedule? Finding the time right now to make these changes and add another thing to your already busy schedule seems too much; I get it. If now is not the right time to take up coaching please know that you don’t have to be anything or anyone more than you are right now to truly benefit from putting yourself first.   

I wish I could afford this right now? Please don’t place yourself under any serious financial strain to work with me; but consider – how much is it going to cost you to continue to be stuck where you are? What are things costing you right now that can be changed for the better?

Are you ready to be transformed…

What’s included in the Transform Me Package:

    • To start, a questionnaire is completed by you to share where you are at right now, and put all your wishes out on the table for discussion 
    • We meet for an initial Consultation to explore your questionnaire and see if I’m the right coach for you and we set the expectations for your series
    • We meet every fortnight; for 60 minutes via video call (Zoom) or phone, to create, review, discuss and build momentum on your goals, the career and life goals that are just right for YOU
    • This equals 6 x One:One coaching sessions with me where I create a space for you to explore, be open, vulnerable and give you that little nudge and challenge to help you get what you want out of your career and life
    • We have regular communication through email for questions on how you are tracking towards achieving your goals
    • We can connect on Voxer each week during your series on any specific topic that you need support with
    • As your supportive coach I provide you with tools, tips and fun resources for you to do along the way 

Your investment with this package is AUD$2,499* +GST 

*Payment plans available

Are you ready to find the career of your dreams and make the life changes you so deserve?

You can also check out the other coaching packages available, depending on where you are at right now and if you are wanting guidance on an immediate career change or you are wanting to elevate in a particular area of your life; there is support available that’s just right for you.

Reach out for a chat today to begin the journey towards creating your incredible new life and career of your dreams.

It’s your time. It’s your life.

I recently experienced a 1:1 coaching series with Hayley and at the beginning I was feeling pretty negative about myself and where I was heading in the future. I realised that I needed to make changes by having someone who could support me through the process and hold me accountable. A coaching series was exactly what I needed, I felt excited and motivated because I knew I would be setting concrete goals and actions, with accountability. After the first session, I was on the verge of discovering some really great opportunities to kick start my life in the right direction. Throughout the series I gained greater self-motivation and self-belief and made positive changes within myself that friends and loved ones recognise. Hayley was encouraging and believed in me and created an amazing space for me to make these positive changes.
I had quit my job of 10 years with no plans for what was next. I really needed time to recharge, relax and revitalize my soul before even thinking about what was next. I was excited about the prospect of change and creating something new in my life. I wanted to create more love and joy in my life and live more confidently. I wanted to reignite and nourish my soul and passion for life. Hayley was someone who I could talk honestly with. I also felt a huge sense of trust and calm and the conversation was easy, I just had to feel into my life and be really present with myself and open to limitless possibilities. As someone who constantly looks at my mistakes, weaknesses, areas of improvement, to take the time to reflect on my strengths, values and what is important to me has really had a huge impact on the direction my life is now taking. I really felt comfortable doing this with Hayley who was a huge support with her extremely grounded, calm and reassuring presence. I feel so much more confident now and the trust I have in myself has improved and friends have noticed this confidence, sense of direction, energy, enthusiasm and passion and I now feel like I am more authentic in my relationships. This coaching series with you, Hayley, has made me realise that having a coach is a non-negotiable for the accountability and the offering of a different perspective and loving support.
When I started working with Hayley, I was feeling lost and not sure of my future and what I wanted in my life and I felt I needed some guidance to reevaluate where I was at. I had never worked with a coach before so I felt excited, nervous and hopeful - I knew the journey was going to be positive and worth it! At the end of our 1st session, I knew having a coach was finally going to give me the opportunity to be able to wholeheartedly invest the time in myself and commit to what I had been wanting to work through for a while. The relationship I now have with myself is probably the one that I have noticed the biggest shift in. I now feel lighter as a person as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders - the experience was life changing for me. The learnings I had throughout the 12 weeks were so powerful for me and something I’ll hold on to. I can’t thank Hayley enough for taking the time to help me on this journey! In every session Hayley was always so present and positive and allowed me to be completely vulnerable and open. Hayley has a warm and encouraging manner which helped me to look deeper in myself than I ever have before and I can’t thank her enough for allowing me to do so with no judgement. The advice, guidance, patience and love Hayley gave will be something I will carry with me always.
I had quit my job and was struggling to compute what it was I wanted to do next. I could not see through the 20 different ideas a day which were overwhelming and hard to comprehend. The best thing I learnt is that I didn’t need to have all the answers then and there, I just needed to be able to tap into what I truly wanted among my millions of ideas and narrow down how to make them work and fit within my daily life. I have transformed from a confused ball of stress to someone who knows what she wants and best of all how to get it. Hayley asks questions that allow you to see the answers for yourself. She creates a space where you don’t feel silly thinking so broad and out there. Her talent is helping you see what it is you want regardless of how far fetched you feel it may be. Through my coaching sessions I have found myself filled with confidence, direction and hope for the future. Getting me to this place of success I currently find myself in, both externally in what I am achieving in work/career and internally within myself. I cannot thank you enough for what you have managed to light and instil inside me through this experience. You were there to commiserate when things were tough and celebrate the wins. You were honest and understanding all at once. I never would have imagined a year ago I would find myself in casual work, about to study to work with animals and engaging in a healthy relationship with food and fitness. It goes to show it’s never too late to make changes, take risks as long as you’re prepared to do the work, to dig for what it is you truly want. I would still be lost if it weren’t for you - so thank you.
I started working with Hayley when I needed to return to the workforce after having been out of it for 7 years. Realising so many things had changed including my loss of confidence I knew I needed added support. With Hayleys support I have been able to build a resume I’m proud of and apply for positions I didn’t think I would be capable of. I really appreciated that Hayley went beyond the basics and really encouraged me to dive deeper into my capabilities as well as what it was I actually wanted from a position and the company I worked for. Her gentle, practical approach was so supportive and as a result of working with her I have just been offered a great opportunity. I highly recommend Hayley as a coach.
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Acknowledgement to Country
I wish to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians from the Bundjalung land from which I live, work and learn everyday. I pay my respects to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. This land is and always will be Aboriginal land.
Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
I am committed to creating an inclusive space where love, respect, kindness and compassion is present that ultimately provides a sense of belonging for everyone. 
No matter who you are and no matter what your story is, you are welcome here. I want to create a brave space where people can truly embody and share everything from their heart.
As a white, able-bodied woman, I understand the privilege that I have been granted and continue to learn, unpack and improve in my Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging knowledge so that when you work with me you can experience this commitment to a diverse, equitable, inclusive and belonging space for everyBODY.