Hayley McLennan Consulting

HR Coach for Leaders


You are in the right place if you are a heart-centred, values-led small business leader who is ready to feel confident and empowered making people decisions when building, growing and keeping a team. 

Are you ready to become your own HR rep?

As a leader, when it comes to building, growing and keeping your team, put your hand up if you have experienced this before:

➡️ You only access HR support when something goes wrong

➡️ You have trouble trusting the HR advice you have received

➡️ You see HR as the fixer who deals with issues or employment contracts only

➡️ You often feel confused and conflicted when it comes to the HR information out there

➡️ Accessing HR support can be expensive and time consuming


Would you prefer to:

⭐️ Take full ownership of your people decisions

⭐️ Feel proactive and ready for any people challenges that come up

⭐️ Access the HR resources you need to use, when you need them

⭐️ Reduce any need to outsource people and HR decisions

⭐️ Feel empowered and confident when it comes to HR for your business

HR Coaching for Leaders is a way for you to feel empowered and confident in making the right people decisions for your business. With HR Coaching, you will learn the proactive, simple and jargon free tools, tips and techniques when it comes to building, growing and keeping your team and have access to the HR fundamentals and implement immediately in your business.

Start with this mini course 10-Steps to Building Your Dream Team ⤵️

 I get it, you don’t want extra work added to your already big to-do list, so HR Coaching is designed in a way where what you learn and uncover is an elevation of what you are already doing.

Sounds pretty good, right?

When it comes to HR, it really is all about how you are as a leader.

I’m not here to tell you how you should lead your team, you know your business and your team the best.

I’m here to encourage, support and empower you as a leader to feel confident when it comes to HR and making the right people decisions for your business

These decisions should not be left to someone else or frantically seek support when something goes wrong.

I’ve worked with and supported many businesses and leaders over the years and can share with you tailored solutions suitable to your business. 

And don’t worry, we’ll have the legalities covered too as I know that is always top of mind. 

I’m also a big believer that if you truly connect with your team and want to build, grow and keep a team in an aligned way with your business, the legal side of things will just hum along in the background.

Make your team a priority ⤵️

People in your business; aka your team, should not be something that is a second thought.  

It can become costly for your business when you leave HR to the last minute or avoid it altogether.

HR doesn’t need to be this big scary thing that sits to the side and you only need to access when something goes wrong. 

When you feel empowered and build the confidence to implement the suitable HR strategies for your business, the outcome will be an engaged, motivated and connected team and ultimately productivity and revenue for your business.

It all starts with building your dream team, access the 10-step mini-course, learning at your own pace and implement immediately in your business. It's time to make the best hiring decision for your business, first time ⤵️

This is Me. Hayley.

Career & Life Coach, with a big splash of Human Resources thrown in.

I love working with and supporting heart-centred, values-led small business leaders, who want to feel confident and empowered making people decisions when building, growing and keeping a team. 

With Career and Life Coaching, I support you to re-connect and re-discover yourself, to live a life of deep fulfilment and work in a career connected to your passions and purpose. Are you ready?

It’s your time. It’s your life.

Find out more

Featured in ⤵️

Featuring tips on home office setup
Asked Julie Parker a question on the biggest lessons in coaching business
Featuring tips on Wellness in the Workplace
Sharing my perspective of what HR is and HR Coaching
Featuring recruitment tips and trends
Are you thriving as a working mama?

In this moment, how do you answer that question?
Are you feeling stuck and stagnant where you are right now?
Would you prefer to be working in a more fulfilling career, connected to your passions and purpose?

With Career and Life Coaching, it is a space that allows you to rediscover and reconnect to what it is you were born to do, and feel fulfilled in your life.
With encouragement and support you can move into empowered action, to connect and find your dream career and purpose in life; and make it your reality

There is a coaching package available to suit your needs, no matter where you are right now ⤵️

If you are looking for a career change and ready to re-connect and re-discover yourself, to live a life of deep fulfilment and work in a career connected to your passions and purpose, I am here to support you every step of the way.


Acknowledgement to Country
I wish to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians from the Bundjalung land from which I live, work and learn everyday. I pay my respects to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. This land is and always will be Aboriginal land.
Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

I am committed to creating an inclusive space where love, respect, kindness and compassion is present that ultimately provides a sense of belonging for everyone. 
No matter who you are and no matter what your story is, you are welcome here. I want to create a brave space where people can truly embody and share everything from their heart.
As a white, able-bodied woman, I understand the privilege that I have been granted and continue to learn, unpack and improve in my Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging knowledge so that when you work with me you can experience this commitment to a diverse, equitable, inclusive and belonging space for everyBODY.

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